About Us
The path to confident young learners starts with Healthy Minds.
Unite the fields of education and mental health to foster students’ self-esteem and academic success.
The relationship between learning and mental health is often overlooked. When children are not able to access effective educational services, their self-esteem and confidence suffer. Every brain is different and students of all abilities can learn and thrive when we create environments that meet their needs. Celebrating each student’s strengths and utilizing those strengths to support their areas of challenge provides for a positive and nurturing learning environment.
Early and consistent intervention is essential for children with learning, developmental, physical, or mental health needs. Ensuring children receive effective and timely services provides them with the support they need to maintain healthy self-esteem and be successful at school and in life.
Healthy Minds Consulting utilizes a combination of consultation, training, articles and infographics to support families, schools and service providers with effective ways to foster nurturing environments so that every child can be a confident young learner.