Language Matters
Considering the essential interface between the language we use and the emotional experience of our audience.
The words we choose can have a lasting impact. The manner in which information is relayed and received has the potential to influence our audience in profound ways.
The language we use is reflective of our views of the world and impacts how others perceive us. For education professionals, this is an essential element in considering how we talk to students in a way that bolsters student self-esteem instead of unintentionally squelching it. The same principles apply to the IEP process, both in regard to how information is presented and discussed and also how it is memorialized in the IEP document. Using language to support and nourish is a vital component of creating an educational environment where students grow and thrive.
We can refine our language choices to provide clarity and intention (consider the SMART format for goal writing, as well as going beyond SMART goals). From this section of our site we will, over time, link to pages and articles that explore the importance of careful consideration in our language choices and how this practice can change our own perspectives as well as potentially influencing those we interact with.
Below is where we are collecting notes and examples to demonstrate where language matters and how to draft an IEP document that is not only clear and concise, but also nurtures the self-esteem and self-confidence of the student.